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Tuesday, December 06, 2005 

What Was I Up To This Weekend?

Yes it's that time again, Liam has run out of ideas. So what have I been up to? Not a lot really, I went to house party on Saturday and recovered/relaxed on the Sunday.

Now as a general rule I don't go to house parties, events full of people you don't know and don't want to know while listening to shite music.

I knew no one there but my lovely girlfriend who'd invited me along (if anyone else had invited me to a house party I'd have politely declined) and there were DJ's present with all the gear and everything, so from the outset we have the formula for a shite night.

It wasn't that bad though, there were some stuck up pricks and some standard tossers but because they were all masking their general unpleasantness behind a mask of social nicety I could pretty much tell them to get stuffed without fear of reprisal.

Then the night got actually good when someone came round giving out rounds of a mysterious red liquid, it was in a vodka bottle and smelt strangely pleasant and familiar, I was still weary however because some people around me did look as if spiking a drink wasn't beneath them.

I enquired as to the nature of the drink and was told it was 'Skittles vodka', that was the smell, a bag of Skittles but how was this heavenly drink made? I was then told as it turned out by the creator of the mixture that it was something she usually whipped up at social functions, the recipe for which passed onto her by a student at a festival. Not the greatest origin story ever but still miles better than Annakin Skywalker, what the fuck are midicloreans anyway?

So to create Skittles Vodka you simply get a bottle of Vodka and two big bags of skittles (obvious I know but if I don't put that someone’s bound to try and make it with brandy or something ridiculous), take out all the green Skittles because this fucks the taste and ruins the colour, then pour all the rest into the bottle. It's best to leave it two weeks, giving it the occasional shake every now and then to see that it all mixes and dissolves as it should, once it becomes a strong ruby red colour its ready for drinking.

I found it delicious and was gulping down glasses of the stuff and asking for refills, it was pointed out to me that I was drinking 40% Vodka pretty fast, I took that on board and kept drinking the stuff anyway.

Around this time one of the shit DJ's left the decks and another bloke took his place, obviously im not expecting much but then someone says he plays indie rock and roll (someone actually asked what indie rock and roll was but then again this was the same person who claims to do contemporary classic dance). The guy gets started and he’s actually playing good, enjoyable music, the people came alive and started having a good time, im a bit of my head at this point from drinking a shit load of beer and vodka so im having a really good time as well.

The good DJ then left at it was back to that speed power bass stuff that the young people listen to which coinciding with me feeling knackerd I took as my cue to go to bed, much to the surprise of some people as the music was so loud it was actually shaking the walls but when im tired I can sleep through a riot.

There were some scary people milling earlier in the night that no one really knew doing dodgy stuff, like popping pills and getting up to god knows what in the bathroom but they went on there way eventually with a few beers and everyone was glad to see the back of them.

Overall though a good night and the following morning wasn’t too unpleasant, a full bag of fizzy fish might not be the best breakfast in retrospect but it did give me the energy to get out of bed.

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  • I'm The Wanted Man
  • Im like Superman without the super. With a head cold. Confused? Me too.
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