The Pandas Roar - The Mouse
Alright, Panda here.
Just read Liams post about the mouse, I personally like mice, especially with brown sauce.
I know lads that used to work down the pits and let me tell you they had problems with mice and rats. Fuck knows what they were doing there so far underground but there were shed loads of 'em.
Those lads had right problems protecting their food, the bastards ate through paper and plastic no trouble, the fuckers even ate through tupperware.
The only thing they couldn't get through was tin, so before you know it all the lads brought tin boxes but those devious vermin worked out how to open the lids!
It ended up with everyone hanging their tin boxes from rafters. What a sorry state of affairs just so a bloke can enjoy his lunch.
Just read Liams post about the mouse, I personally like mice, especially with brown sauce.
I know lads that used to work down the pits and let me tell you they had problems with mice and rats. Fuck knows what they were doing there so far underground but there were shed loads of 'em.
Those lads had right problems protecting their food, the bastards ate through paper and plastic no trouble, the fuckers even ate through tupperware.
The only thing they couldn't get through was tin, so before you know it all the lads brought tin boxes but those devious vermin worked out how to open the lids!
It ended up with everyone hanging their tin boxes from rafters. What a sorry state of affairs just so a bloke can enjoy his lunch.