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Wednesday, December 14, 2005 

The Pandas Roar - What's Wrong With Being Homophobic?

*Now there's been some serious argument between me and the Panda. I never thought I was the type of person to censor anything but in this case I couldn't look the other way, basically the Panda wanted to do a rant on his dislike of gay people. We've finally come to an agreement that disliking a group of people isn't the same as disliking Angelina Jolie (one small step for man.....), but that it's unfair in such a supposedly open society that some peoples views are very quickly demonised, therefore the Roar is going to commence but I'll be keeping an eye on the proceedings.*

Jesus, what a big girls blouse. Right, Panda here, I don't like gay people. Carefull Panda. Well I don't like them and you can't make me think otherwise.

I was brought up in a different world to a lot of people, back when I was young it was accepted that boys were attracted to girls and vica versa. Now I did grow up in a homophobic environment, a few gays round where I lived had good kickings every now and then, which in retrospect wasn't a very nice thing for them but that's just how it was.

Now it's all hip and trendy to be a big, poncy gay person and for anyone to take offence to it as being antiquated and a generally nasty person. Why? If everyone was gay, the species would die out. Fact.
Im not some religious nut job but you can't ignore the fact that if we were all gays, all life on the planet would come to an end. Well, technically he is right, I suppose you've got those asexual creatures but the majority of life does have male and female counterparts.

An argument I often hear from gay people is 'Who's to say what's normal?' Me. Im normal, you're not. What makes life interesting is our differences Panda. Do you find Julian Clary or that Graham Norton funny? What? No, of course not, they're shit. Exactly, all gay comedians know to do is to talk about being gay, nothing interesting or humerous, they just go on about the life of a bender and hope it gets laughs. I have to admit he's right there.

So im homophobic and am going to stay homophobic.*Shakes head* Although I don't like the term homophobic because it implies that im scared of them when I just don't like them. I hear people bang on about peoples freedom of lifestyle but you look any of them in eye and ask them if it's right to be gay and none of them will tell you it is.
I'd argue that it's not about right and wrong but I fear it may just keep this roar going. I personally don't have anything against gay people, Jack was my favourite character in Dawsons Creek, well, after Pacey obviously.

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