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Wednesday, August 30, 2006 

Idle Thoughts

Im bringing sexy back. What does that even mean? Obviously the Lakes song is shite but what is he actually getting at? Sexy hadn't gone anywhere had it? What a muppet. If I was him I would stick to that Ferrel chap like glue as he is quite cool and some cred would doubtless rub off on me.

I couldn't sleep much last night so I watched the highlights of the Leeds/Reading festival. I know that the Reading festival was bigger than Leeds but of Leeds I only saw Dizzee Rascal (however the nob spells it), the Automatic and Primal Scream. Now the last two are good but the highlights went on for something like two hours, you'd think there'd be a bit more Leeds coverage. Im not sure if im 100% right on my assessment though as I was drinking a two pound ninety nine bottle of wine at the time which was quite rough.

It must be gutting for people who went on Crystal Maze, got locked in at the first zone then didn't get bought out till right at the end. What a waste of an awesome experience. I bet O'Briens house is festooned with crystal he slipped out on the sly. The police should keep tabs on the bloke who made all the rooms as if there was ever a spate of death trap (ala Saw) like murders I would put that bloke right to the top of the list.

I bought a bottle of Rum the other day as a birthday present, I was in a hurry so I just nipped into Co-Op and grabbed a bottle. The check-out bloke was giving me a right look as my solitary bottle of liquor lurched along but you know what, he's only a fucking checkout bloke in Co-Op, he should chill the fuck out. Actually, in retrospect, it probably didn't help that I was all blurry eyed from a cold and it was 1pm on a weekday.

Im not too proud to admit that for a period of time I worked on a checkout. Not a very pleasant experience but I did see all sorts. One time this Chinese guy bought twenty five 3 litre bottles of water. I regret not asking him what he was going to do with all that water.

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