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Friday, July 28, 2006 

Someone Glass The DJ

I have a radio alarm clock, it's set to some right obscure station which usually plays shite but that's the way I like it, if I heard good music I'd be inclined to stay in bed. The other day I was awoken by a song that was actually 'alright', interested to know who it is, I swing my legs out of bed and wait patiently for the song to end (instead of just slamming the 'snooze' button). The song finishes and the DJ says 'What a cracking tune. In the news today...', whoa there mate, what's the name of the fucking song? Isn't it like, the law, that the DJ says what the last song was?

Frustrated as fuck I switched the alarm off and turned my computer on. Luckily for that DJ I managed to find the song through googling the lyrics, otherwise I'd have gone round to the DJs house and glassed him. Or, failing that, just thought nasty things about him.

Oi oi oi, hold it there now: you can't go thru all that and not tell us what the name of the song was! You're as bad as that bastard DJ.

Ha! Ha! Ha! I know, terrible of me. Just for you, it was My Bright Idea by Orson, I'd never heard it before and thought it was okayish. A radio tune to be sure but in its defence it was on the radio.

I detest DJ's. I hate radio music. I am quite hard to please radio wise then. I like to plug my MP3 into the car stereo and listen to that.

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