Hello world! The rantings and musings of a socially inept twenty something who works within the bowels of a college, running their testing centre. Hence uptothetest, who also wants to write for PIC.
Fucking hell! It's Magneto and hes gone and decapitated Hawkeye with Captain Americas shield! And this is only the first issue! Marvel Zombies - violent and good.
Marvel Zombies looks cool! Unlike that Benchwarmers film, which I think doesn't look cool. I really didn't like Napoleon Dynamite. Is it cos I'm in my 30s?
I read the rest of MZ the other night, nice little read. Plenty of zombie violence, I might do a mini review if I can summon the energy.
Benchwarmers is hilarious. It's not the same type of humour as Dynamite, which is a funny flick, I didn't think it was amazing like some people but definatley worth watching. The same directors got a film coming out soon with Jack Black, should be good.
Marvel Zombies looks cool! Unlike that Benchwarmers film, which I think doesn't look cool. I really didn't like Napoleon Dynamite. Is it cos I'm in my 30s?
Posted by
* (asterisk) |
12:23 AM
I read the rest of MZ the other night, nice little read. Plenty of zombie violence, I might do a mini review if I can summon the energy.
Benchwarmers is hilarious. It's not the same type of humour as Dynamite, which is a funny flick, I didn't think it was amazing like some people but definatley worth watching. The same directors got a film coming out soon with Jack Black, should be good.
Posted by
The Wanted Man |
7:18 AM